The overarching philosophy running through the investment advice we provide to clients – is to plan ahead and focus on those things within our control. We are passionate about financial literacy and our mission to is help clients maintain perspective and the long-term discipline to reach their investing goals. We are guided by these seven principles:


Objectivity is Our Foundation

We provide investment advice without bias.  We don't sell investments, earn commissions or receive payments based on investments we recommend.  As a fiduciary, we act solely in the best interest of our clients and believe they benefit from our independent approach.

Costs and Taxes Matter

Markets are unpredictable, but costs are not.  Every dollar you pay in investment costs and trading commissions is simply a dollar less earning a potential return. Reducing these costs can improve your portfolio’s performance over the long term.  Managing portfolios with an eye on tax-saving strategies can save you even more.  We specialize in high-quality, low-cost investing, and strategies to minimize taxes.

Don’t Try to Beat the Markets

Consistently outperforming the markets is a difficult, if not impossible task.  Trying to predict winners and losers (stock picking) or jumping in and out of the markets (market timing) may be exciting, but seldom rewarding.  Decades of academic research show that the most reliable way to achieve good returns over time, is to try to match market returns — through low-cost index funds — rather than trying to beat the market.  We approach money management as investors, not speculators or traders.

Know Yourself

In investing, risk and reward go hand-in hand. Investors usually take on more market risk to accumulate more wealth over time. Some prefer to take on less market risk to preserve what they already have. But too conservative an approach may not allow you to meet your goals and taking on too much risk may prevent sound sleep. Striking the appropriate balance is key. We help gauge your risk comfort level and balance it with realistic expectations to meet your long-term goals.


Diversify and Allocate

Diversification protects you against the risk of putting too many eggs in one basket. Asset allocation spreads your investments across and within categories (US and foreign stocks, bonds and cash.)  The mix determines not only the portfolio return over time but also how much volatility to expect and likelihood you will achieve your long-term goals.  We build globally diversified portfolios that spread risk and are appropriate to your investment goals and risk tolerance.

Know What You Can Control

Markets are inherently unpredictable and increasingly volatile.  But successful investing is about controlling the controllable.  Investors can control four key factors: minimizing investment costs, managing for tax-efficiency, committing to a consistent rate of saving and investing, and managing our behavior in response to market conditions.  While we can't control the markets, we can focus on actions that lead to investing success.

Have a Plan and Stick to It

Smart investing means investing with a goal, such as funding your kid’s education or your desired retirement lifestyle.  We help you set and prioritize your goals and create a personalized investment plan to serve as a roadmap for sticking to your goals, especially in uncertain markets.  Plan adaptation to life changes, portfolio reviews, rebalancing, and the courage to stay invested are also key to investing success.  The greatest value we can provide is to help you avoid costly mistakes and to educate you in becoming a smarter, more disciplined investor.